Friday, August 23, 2013

City beach

Holiday is over, the beach is far away but I am not ready to say goodbye to it, not yet.It is veeery hot in the city, especially around 1-3pm, and it is very difficult to dress in the perfect clothes for these hellish temperatures.I used this Tunisian dress,which is mostly worn on the beach, as a dress for today's walk.I added belt, and there it is, it looked totally different.Both, the dress and the bag are multi- wearable and I love this.I adore when I can combine clothes and accessories in million ways.

                             The original look of the dress, worn on the beach


  1. Slatka haljina koja ti lepo stoji. Skroz za plazu draga :) Prva slika mi je omiljenaaa! :)

    1. Ovo mi je prvi izlet ovako u gradu, nosim je na plazi, ali htela sam je i ovako prosetam :)

  2. wow, maco, odlična si, lijepa, super otufit :)
    Razmišljala sam da se ošišam tako kratko, poput tebe.. Sve me strah, kako će to izgledati :)

    1. Jao, hvala ti puno :*
      Ja nisam razmisljala puno, bila je to momentalna odluka i na srecu ispalo je dobro :))

  3. Znaci kako znaesh sto ti stoi perfektno na tvojata figura bravos!! Nishto vishak,elegantno a vo isto vreme i mladalacki!

    1. Fala ti mnoguu, eden mal izlet, netipicen fustan, ama od sto mi bese toplo resiv da go oblecam, i ne poglesiv :))
